I am working with ON 4.14, and i am trying to setup the Large Scale Deployment, following : http://docs.opennebula.org/4.14/advanced_administration/scalability/suns_advance.html
After following all the steps when i try to start Passenger , i got the following error in Sunstone:
Sat Oct 03 04:26:33 2015 [E]: Permission denied - /var/lib/one/.one/sunstone_auth
I have sunstone server running, and i am able to connect to Sunstone using the default port (9869)…
Probably i missed some step in the installation. These are the steps i did in the installation:
-Install opennebula-sunstone
-Start opennebula-sunstone
-Copy the credentials from oned server (/var/lib/one/.one)
-Login succesfully to sunstone with the usual port (9869).
-Install apache and passenger
-Check configuration OK in Passenger and Apache
- Create the virtual host as described in opennebula documentation
-Restart everything… - Test…: permission denied
==> Can you help me??
This is the sample of /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf: # Directory to store temp files when uploading images # :tmpdir: /var/tmp # OpenNebula sever contact information # :one_xmlrpc: # Server Configuration # :host: :port: 9869 # Place where to store sessions, this value can be memory, memcache or memcache-dalli # Use memcache when starting multiple server processes, for example, # with passenger # # NOTE. memcache needs a separate memcached server to be configured. Refer # to memcached documentation to configure the server. :sessions: memory # Memcache configuration :memcache_host: localhost :memcache_port: 11211 :memcache_namespace: opennebula.sunstone # Excution environment for Sunstone # dev, Instead of pulling the minified js all the files will be pulled (app/main.js) # Check the Building from Source guide in the docs, for details on how to run # Sunstone in development # prod, the minified js will be used (dist/main.js) :env: ‘prod’ ################################################################################ # Log ################################################################################ # Log debug level # 0 = ERROR, 1 = WARNING, 2 = INFO, 3 = DEBUG # :debug_level: 3 ################################################################################ # Auth ################################################################################ # Authentication driver for incomming requests # sunstone, for OpenNebula’s user-password scheme # x509, for x509 certificates based authentication # opennebula, the authentication will be done by the opennebula core using the # driver defined for the user # :auth: opennebula # Authentication driver to communicate with OpenNebula core # cipher, for symmetric cipher encryption of tokens # x509, for x509 certificate encryption of tokens # :core_auth: cipher # For LDAP auth. Encode credentials sent to OpenNebula. Turns espaces into %20. # This only works with “opennebula” auth. # #:encode_user_password: true