I’d like to announce that I’ve published an on-line introduction course to OpenNebula which is available at my learning site https://artemit.com.es/lms/course-category/opennebula/ for Spanish speaking users, though this course and site will be available in English soon so I’ll update this post once it’s available.
This course introduces OpenNebula 5 on a laboratory over CentOS where Ansible is used to install OpenNebula (no previous knowledge on Ansible is required). Some videos are free on preview so you can take a glance on how the course is taught and what topics are covered at https://artemit.com.es/lms/courses/opennebula-101/.
When taking this course you’ll have access to 47 video lessons (almost 11 hour in length) and if you pass a final practice, you’ll get a certificate of completion.
I hope this on-line course will be useful for those who wants to get their feet wet with OpenNebula’s awesome project.