Starting Virtual Machine — from Default Template (Qemu–KVM)Processor — I am installing many Software in the Virtual Machine
maybe who knows how to virtual processor (Qemu–KVM) — changing to real processor for example (Intel Xeon ), because i am using SSE3, SSE4 instruction
Hi Tesla,
this could easy be done by adding the following “libvirt-XML” to your template:
RAW = [
DATA = "<cpu mode='host-passthrough'></cpu>",
TYPE = "kvm" ]
It`s also possible to change this global by editing the vmm_exec config-file:
Best regards,
Thanks ))
If interesting how to don’t delete VM-- and configure another settings:
virsh edit one-545
/configure /
[root@oneb4 tmp]# virsh destroy one-545
Domain one-545 destroyed
nano /etc/libvirt/qemu/one-545.xml
cpu mode=‘host-passthrough’
[root@oneb4 tmp]# virsh define /etc/libvirt/qemu/one-545.xml
Domain one-545 defined from /etc/libvirt/qemu/one-545.xml
[root@oneb4 tmp]# virsh start one-545
Hi, but consider that there can be problems with live migration if you migrate from host with newer cpu to host with older cpu.