Run Sunstone Frontend


Is there a way to run the frontend for development without building the whole platform from source?

Im following docs here.

If this is at all possible, ideally I’d like it to work with an instance of OpenNebula running in another host (online).

Is this something at alla possible? I did not find specific details about this possible workflow.


Have you tried with :wink:

Hello! I had a look at it but wasn’t sure it was what I was looking for. Is it possible to have a development environment when running minione? As in, being able to modify bits of the UI and seeing changes without having to re-build every time?

Hi @guille,

Currently, it is not possible to use FireEdge Sunstone in development mode without building from the source. It is only available on Ruby Sunstone at the moment.


Thanks for the answer @fborges

I did not succeed trying to run Ruby Sunstone in standalone either.

Running the scons command ends with success in the root folder

Running ends with some errors, but I don’t know if it is necessary to be able to run just the frontend