Since 5.8.5 Bad owner or permissions on /var/lib/one/.ssh/config

Since our Upgrade to 5.8.5 no VMs start anymore.
They all fail with:

Sat Oct 19 10:34:30 2019 [Z0][VMM][I]: Failed to execute transfer manager driver operation: tm_context.
Sat Oct 19 10:34:30 2019 [Z0][VMM][E]: Error deploying virtual machine: Error creating directory /var/lib/one/datastores/0/10 at Bad owner or permissions on /var/lib/one/.ssh/config

But permissions didn’t change and are fine:
-rw------- 1 oneadmin oneadmin 37 Aug 13 08:44 config

Any ideas? Weirdly it only affects existing VMs, not new ones.

Hello, there is my unspoilt configuration
-rw-rw-r-- 1 oneadmin oneadmin 103 мая 24 2016 /var/lib/one/.ssh/config
There is no secret information in config file

I have a similar problem with 5.8.5. I added a new host to our cluster and then realized that all directories within /var/lib/one/datastores/ have the wrong permissions.

Turns out it needed adjustments on the host that runs opennebula, not on the VM Nodes.
But that means the upgrade changed the permissions in the /var/lib/one dir and broke it.