today we have changed password for “oneadmin” user (via Sunstone - logged in as “oneadmin” itself). I have also edited the ~oneadmin/.one/one_auth file to reflect the new password. We have also rebooted the host where oned is running. Since then, all our LDAP-authenticated users cannot log into Sunstone (“Invalid username or password”). Core-authenticated test user as well as oneadmin itself work as before. Only LDAP is broken.
I have also tried "oneuser login ", which failed with the following message:
[one.user.login] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.
Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
ONE 5.4.0, CentOS 7
Is there more to do when changing oneadmin’s password? Why only LDAP-authenticated users are affected? Thanks!
Running strace -f -s 1000 oneuser login kas suggests that the XMLRPC request is being made, even with correct arguments, and the reply about incorrect login is from oned itself:
Also, I tried to wrap /var/lib/one/remote/auth/ldap/authenticate and also /var/lib/one/tmp/auth/ldap/authenticate with a shell script which saves the arguments and the environment to the log file in /tmp to verify it is being executed, but no logfile got created, so I think it is not even executed during oneuser login kas command.