i am facing some issues with the Live Migration i am just getting the following logs.
Thu Feb 9 14:53:27 2017 [Z0][VM][I]: New LCM state is MIGRATE
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][I]: Successfully execute transfer manager driver operation: tm_premigrate.
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][I]: Successfully execute network driver operation: pre.
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][I]: Command execution fail: cat << EOT | /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/migrate ‘one-46’ ‘compute01’ ‘compute02’ 46 compute02
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][E]: migrate: Command “virsh --connect qemu:///system migrate --live one-46 qemu+ssh://compute01/system” failed: error: Cannot access storage file ‘/var/lib/one//datastores/0/46/disk.1’ (as uid:9869, gid:9869): No such file or directory
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][E]: Could not migrate one-46 to compute01
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][I]: ExitCode: 1
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][I]: Successfully execute transfer manager driver operation: tm_failmigrate.
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][I]: Failed to execute virtualization driver operation: migrate.
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VMM][E]: Error live migrating VM: Could not migrate one-46 to compute01
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][VM][I]: New LCM state is RUNNING
Thu Feb 9 14:53:28 2017 [Z0][LCM][I]: Fail to live migrate VM. Assuming that the VM is still RUNNING (will poll VM).
I am not really sure why it isn’t able to get the file with the oneadmin user (which has the uid 9869 as intended)
I am using the following structure.
- All Hosts are using Debian 8.7.1
- compute01 and compute02 are my Hostnodes which contain the vm’s
- controller01 is containing the Sunstone Frontend
- i can ssh passwordless with oneadmin from any host to any other host
- the datastores (expept store 0) are being replicated with glusterfs on all compute nodes
I have also crawled through the forum but wasn’t able to find something which fits my point.
Each Feedback is much appreciated.