I’ve reported an issue at https://github.com/OpenNebula/packages/issues/152 where sunstone won’t start up from self-built 5.10.5 rpms due to a missing .js file. I should try to have another go at debugging it, but before I do, I wonder if anyone has any insight into what might be happening or what to look at as it’s not straightforward. (I’m not trying to hassle for a fix!)
Hi @loveshack,
Roughly my build script is as follow
pushd one.git
git fetch --all
git archive --prefix="$oneName/" -o "../${oneSrcTargz}" "$branch"
rm -rf "$oneName"
tar xf "$oneSrcTargz"
pushd "${oneName}/share/man"
pushd "${oneName}/src/sunstone/public"
./build.sh -d
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin
rm -rf node_modules/
tar -czf "${oneTargz}" "${oneName}/"
And then feed packages/centos7.sh
with ${oneTargz}
Did not observe missing js files.
Best Regards,
Anton Todorov