Sunstone GUI gets blank when clicking on icon

In the Sunstone WebUI - Dashboard there’s a failure when clicking on a specific icon:
The WebUI gets blank and nothing is working.

The relevant icon is marked in this screenshot:

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
opennebula-sunstone 6.2.0-1.ce

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Sunstone WebUI using http://:2616/fireedge/sunstone/
  2. Click on 2nd icon from the right

Current results:
Sunstone WebUI gets blank and nothing is working

Expected results:
No malfunction when clicking the icon.

Hi @cmonty14,

Thanks for your feedback about the new Suntone,

The fail that you’re commenting on is caused by the configuration files.

The new Sunstone is work in progress, and it’s configuration files are in constant change. In versions 6.2.x and later, configuration files need to be replaced by the ones that can be downloaded here


after deploying the files the icon has disappeared.
Can you confirm this?
