Dear OpenNebula community,
I’m trying to change the tmpdir where the tmp files are uploaded. I’ve set it to this path:
grep -i tmpdir /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf
:tmpdir: /data/OpenNebula/temp/
But the temporary files are stored in /tmp/
From oned.log:
Thu Mar 30 10:34:57 2017 [Z0][ImM][I]: Copying /tmp/632291328-CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1511iso to repository for image 21
I double checked the directory permissions, and they seem OK.
/data/OpenNebula> ls -lha temp/
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 2 oneadmin oneadmin 4.0K Mar 30 10:12 .
Any ideas?
Kind regards,