the apps is 0 when I use the `onemarket list`

When I used the minione to setup the opennebula, I got an error like this " MARKETPLACEAPP named ID not found. " .

I tried to solve the problem by tracing the minione shell. I found the id is from the next line:
ID=$(onemarketapp list --filter NAME="${APP_NAME}"
–csv | tail -1 | awk -F, ‘{print $1}’) || return 1
APP_NAME is CentOS 7 by default

I used the onemarketapp command and I found it return nothing .

I used the onemarket llist command, the opennebula public market has 0 apps while the dockerhub has 172 apps.

How could I be able to update the opennebula public market apps ?

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
centos 7.7

When minione gets setup, it pulls this image from the OpenNebula Public marketplace. In your case, for some reason, the marketplace is not showing any available app. You need to troubleshoot why is this the case.