When I used the minione to setup the opennebula, I got an error like this " MARKETPLACEAPP named ID not found. " .
I tried to solve the problem by tracing the minione shell. I found the id is from the next line:
ID=$(onemarketapp list --filter NAME="${APP_NAME}"
–csv | tail -1 | awk -F, ‘{print $1}’) || return 1
APP_NAME is CentOS 7
by default
I used the onemarketapp command and I found it return nothing .
I used the onemarket llist command, the opennebula public market has 0 apps while the dockerhub has 172 apps.
How could I be able to update the opennebula public market apps ?
Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
centos 7.7