Hi there
I have already restarted the vOneCloud several times without success.
It reports that OpenNebula is online, but I can’t connect to Sunstone. When restarting Faild the start every time.
Many thanks for help in advance
Hi there
I have already restarted the vOneCloud several times without success.
It reports that OpenNebula is online, but I can’t connect to Sunstone. When restarting Faild the start every time.
Many thanks for help in advance
Hello @RimRex
Do you see any error on sunstone.log and sunstone.error?
I don’t see an error message in sunstone.log and unfortunately I don’t have a sunstone.error log.
Are you restarting Sunstone using systemctl
or sunstone-server
command? If you are using systemctl, what error can you see here: journalctl -u opennebula-sunstone
When I type systemctl into the console I receive the result:
When I restart the Sunstone with the Command sunstone-server restart the control panel shows that OpenNebula/Sunstone has been started successfully, but it is still not available.
After restarting Sunstone, what is the output of the following command: ss -tanp | grep $(grep ":port" /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
Perfect, sunstone is running, if you go to localhost:9869
, what do you see?
Now I can access the Sunstone interface… but only with port 9869.
Why is the start of OpenNebula always displayed as faild in the Control Panel?
Could you please send me an screenshot of what you are seeing in the control panel?
And why can I not access on the Sunstone Interface without the Port?
Because Sunstone is running on that port instead of port 80 or 443, if you don’t specify the port, your browser will try port 80.
As this is an specific vOneCloud question, please submit your issue in this different forum.
How can I change the Port to 80, because it worked with but now anymore.
You can use a proxy or change the default port on sunstone-server.conf file.
As this is an specific vOneCloud question, please submit your issue in this different forum.
I’ve got a question.
In this File /usr/lib/one/vonecloud-control-center/scripts/opennebula-server.sh
are the commands which are executed when Starting and Stopping from the vOneCloud Control Panel
Why is the Sunstone / Opennebula service not starting when I start from there???
It just work with the Command: sudo sunstone-server start
You shouldn’t run that command manually, that command is run automatically by vOnecloud. So probably you are running the command in the wrong way and that’s why it doesn’t work.
As this is an specific vOneCloud question, please submit your issue in this different forum.
Which Command?