Unable to create vRouter

Hi everyone,
I am using OpenNebula 6.8. I was able to download the vRouter template, but when creating the vRouter, I received an error:
“[one.vrouter.instantiate] Error allocating a new virtual router. TOKEN set, but onegate endpoint was not defined in oned.conf.”
Can I disable OneGate Token in the vRouter template?

I noticed that on my frontend, it is listening at Should I change it to another ip? Do I need to attach 2 IPs (networks) to a VM to connect to OneGate?
Can I use the vRouter’s load balancer without using OneGate?

Thank you!


Can I disable OneGate Token in the vRouter template?

Yes, but this will make SDNAT and dynamic load-balancing unusable.

I noticed that on my frontend, it is listening at Should I change it to another ip?

I think this page may help you OneGate Configuration — OpenNebula 6.10.0 documentation.

Do I need to attach 2 IPs (networks) to a VM to connect to OneGate?

It depends what you’re trying to achieve, but in general it’s possible to deploy guest VMs into your service network. So the answer is “in general NO, it depends”. :slight_smile:

Can I use the vRouter’s load balancer without using OneGate?

Sure, but if you don’t enable OneGate, you’ll be able to use static LBs only (for both HAPoxy and LVS). Please take a look here vr_balancing · OpenNebula/one-apps Wiki · GitHub.