I freshly install a new opennabula server for education purpose.
But I’m encounter a little problem on Opennebula. When me, as oneadmin, create a new VM, I can detach disk, option is enabled. Also oneadmin can detach disk on others VM without any problem.
But if I create this VM with a normal account I can’t detach an image disk, option is disabled. But it’s work with And I have the same problem with another account with full privileges.
Can you help me ?
Thank by advance
Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs): 6.10.0-1 for all
Steps to reproduce: Create a VM with normal user, add a new disk (image, cdrom) and check if bin is clickable
We’ve found this to be a bug and we’ve reated a new issue so it can be addressed in next versions and patchs. Thank you for helping make OpenNebula better
As a workaround, look for the restricted attributes configuration section of /etc/one/oned.conf, then you can comment all the DISK/* attributes and restart opennebula. This should let you detach a disk as a non oneadmin user. You can proceed the same way with NICs (comment all NIC/* attributes).