I’m trying to run a native docker container (downloaded from the MarketPlace DockerHub as “docker” or created as image using a dockerfile script). After I have created the image, if I try to instantiate, I get a new qemu-kvm image (a KVM image), not a docker container (and I can’t get VNC access to its console: I get always “No boot device”. From CLI as “oneadmin”, there is not any docker container running…
So, is it possible tu run native docker inside OpenNebula?
No, OpenNebula doesn’t support native Docker containers. Our integration with Docker Hub allows you to import into OpenNebula the containers images to be used with the supported hypervisors (the recommended are either LXC or Firecracker).
OK. I would try Firecracker, but I have just read that is needed a kernel >= 4.14 and my system is running a CentOS-7 with kernel 3.10… so I’ll have to wait.