VM Resize button missing for User in Cloud_vCenter view

Hello all,

We are using Opennebula 4.14.2 in combination with a VCenter/VMware ESXi 5.1 cluster.

The OneAdmin user can resize a powered off VM without any problem. However for a normal user (VM owner) the resize button does not show.

We see this with two serparate instances, both upgraded from 4.10.2 to 4.14.2. But I also do not see the resize button with a pristine vOnecloud 1.8.0. appliance in combination with a VMware 5.5 cluster.

What am I missing or is misconfigured ?

Kind regards,


The resize operation is not available from the cloud view in OpenNebula 4.14.x, although it will be in the next 5.0 release, as well as in the next version of vOneCloud.

BTW, vCenter/ESX 5.1 is not supported by OpenNebula, could you let us know of any wrong behaviour or everything is working fine?

Hi Tino,

Thank you, that explains a lot.

We do not seem to have any issues with using ESXi 5.1 in combination with OpenNebula.

Best regards,


I just stumbled upon this thread. I’m using OpenNebula 5.2.1 in combination with ESXi 5.5 & vOneCloud 2.2.0, but I can’t find the resize button in the cloud view either.

Do we have to grant extra permissions for this or am I just missing something?


Hi Jonas!,
I’m afraid that VM resize in vCenter is not supported in 5.2.1. The datastore management is being redesigned for 5.4 release so some features like resize can be added to the driver. The ticket related to this feature is here.


Hi Miguel,

thanks for the quick reply. I’ll wait patiently for the 5.4 release then :slight_smile: :thumbsup:
