VM stuck on SAVE_SUSPEND state

We use nebula 6.2 and we needed to do a maintenance shutdown of our nfs servers.
We select all the VMs and did suspended, and shutdown our nfs servers.
So now most of the VMs are in a SAVE_SUSPENDED working but with no way of move back to RUNNING.

It seems that we needed to wait to all the vm to finish saving the state.

How can we change the state back to running, without needed to kill the vm?

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):

Steps to reproduce:

Current results:

Expected results:

Hi @Flavio_Benelli :wave:

If I understand correctly, are the VMs running but showing as SAVE_SUSPEND in OpenNebula? Or are the VMs unable to start at all? I’d like to clarify if this is an issue at the hypervisor level or if it stems from OpenNebula’s monitoring system.
