I’m using vCenter 8.0U3 with a cluster containing two ESXi hosts: one running ESXi 7.0U3 and the other ESXi 8.0U3.
I am also using OpenNebula 6.8.
I can connect to VMs running on the ESXi 7.0U3 host with VMRC, but when I try to connect to VMs on the ESXi 8.0U3 host, I receive a “VMRC Disconnected” message and cannot connect. The fireedge.log shows the following:
– ESXi 8.0U3 – info: path to vmrc token: 2e2f2c45d6e4b004251688deb430776d
[HPM] Router new target: http://localhost:2616 → “https://Esxi-80U3:443”
[HPM] GET /fireedge/vmrc/2e2f2c45d6e4b004251688deb430776d?info=eyJpZCI6IjEyIiwibmFtZSI6IlNULUdSQUZBTkEgLSBTVC1DTFVTVEVSLTAxIiwic3RhdGUiOiJSVU5OSU5HIiwic3RhcnRfdGltZSI6IjE3MzA5Njk5MDgiLCJuZXR3b3JrcyI6WyIxMC4zNC4xLjIwIl19 ≈> https://Esxi-80U3:443
[HPM] Upgrading to WebSocket
When I close the VMRC window, no additional logs appear.
– ESXi 7.0U3 – info: path to vmrc token: acb3ee74c431de71
[HPM] Router new target: http://localhost:2616 → “https://Esxi-70U3:443”
[HPM] GET /fireedge/vmrc/acb3ee74c431de71?info=eyJpZCI6IjEwIiwibmFtZSI6IlN0UG9zdGFMaW51eCAtIFNULUNMVVNURVItMDEiLCJzdGF0ZSI6IlJVTk5JTkciLCJzdGFydF90aW1lIjoiMTczMDkwOTQ3MCIsIm5ldHdvcmtzIjpbXX0= ≈> https://Esxi-70U3:443
[HPM] Upgrading to WebSocket
[HPM] Client disconnected → When I close the VMRC window, this message appears.
Could you please help me understand why I’m experiencing this issue with the ESXi 8.0U3 host? Thank you.
It seems to be a problem of sunstone itself that as you can see in ESX 7 the VMRC console token is 16 characters and in ESX 8 it is 32.
The problem is that the Sunstone sends these parameters by the URL and most likely the request already has a logintud greater than 255 characters and that fails.
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, this parameter change did not resolve the issue. We were using the Sunstone interface because it allowed for extensive customizations. We couldn’t achieve the same level of flexibility with the FireEdge interface, even for something as simple as changing the logo. Once FireEdge gains customization features like logo changes, we may consider switching to it.
Sorry to hear that the problem couldn’t be resolved like this. However, as some form of alleviation, in more recent versions of FireEdge Sunstone, you should be able to find this customizability, here’s the related documentation for reference!