I’m running some tests with a LXC node and I’m getting some problems when I try to connect to the LXC container using VNC (default connection). Connection can’t be establised (“client error”) and /var/log/one/fireedge-error shows this log:
[2025-01-22 ene 2025 13:35:14] [Connection 2] Closing connection with error: Error: not opened
at WebSocket.send (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/opennebula-guacamole/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocket.js:218:38)
at ClientConnection.send (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/opennebula-guacamole/lib/ClientConnection.js:126:24)
at GuacdClient.sendBufferToWebSocket (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/opennebula-guacamole/lib/GuacdClient.js:172:35)
at GuacdClient.processReceivedData (/usr/lib/one/fireedge/node_modules/opennebula-guacamole/lib/GuacdClient.js:163:14)
at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:483:12)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:297:12)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:272:9)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:213:10)
at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23)
Where is the problem? KVM nodes run perfectly and their VNC/GUAC connection runs, also, perfectly.
This errors occurs after upgrading OpenNebula from 6.8.0-1 to 6.10. Before upgrade, in 6.8.0-1, I have been able to connect via VNC to my LXC instances and, also, to my KVM instances, but after upgrade, I can only connect to KVM instances.
When issuing the upgrade, only the VNC client used be fireedge changes. The VNC server on the LXC instance is unaffected. Check if you can connect using an external VNC client like TigerVNC.
I have found the problem: my company rejects outgoing DNS queries to and because of LXC container is configured with that DNS server, “apt update” or “dnf install” hangs some minutes trying to do the DNS resolution. Solution has been apply two lines in my “iptables” to redirect queries to port 53 to DNS server in my company.