Adding an image to the Marketplace

Hola! I’m working on a CoreOS KVM image for OpenNebula ( I’d like to add it to the OpenNebula Marketplace, in case other people are interested in it.

I’ve already registered myself at Is there anything else I should do?

Hey, that’s great! Quick question, would it be possible to use a variant of the contextualization packages delivered by OpenNebula instead of the cloud-init package?

[…] would it be possible to use a variant of the contextualization packages delivered by OpenNebula instead of the cloud-init package?

It looks like CoreOS relies heavily on cloud-config, Jaime, for basic, first-boot configuration (disks, network, etc). Besides, they seem to be moving towards Ignition for system-level configuration, so I’m not sure it would be worthwhile.

On top of that, all CoreOS quick start guides rely on cloud-config for configuring the applications running on top of CoreOS (Docker, etcd, fleet, and so on).

Hi Carlos,

It would be great to include it in the Marketplace! I have enabled your marketplace account, if you have any doubts please send me an email to


Thanks, @dmolina! It’s ready: