Looking for #coreoslinux image in #opennebula with networking. Where can i get it?

Looking for #coreoslinux image in #opennebula with networking. Where can i get it?

I tried coreos_production_qemu_image.img, and it working fine without one virtual_network. But it took dhcp ip from my local network.

And also i tried cloud_config.yml with static values inside image. It assigns an ip when a vm booted from that image. If this is correct, can i pass values from context to this cloud_config.yml file?

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I got it, and i documented it here http://docs.megam.io/v1.0/docs/megam_slimbox_complete#coreos

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I’m looking to get this going, but I can’t seem to get the VM to have a working network interface. Followed your documentation. VM boots, I just can’t seem to access it other than seeing the login prompt in VNC. Would you have any ideas on what to look at to troubleshoot this?

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Hi r4wr
Do you get your correct ip which is shown in VNC?
Did you ssh that correct ip?
If possible, try to have a user with password and then image it in opennebula master. And then test, whether the user has the ssh pub key.

I was able to get it going, it was a template issue. I’m now working on trying to get opennebula’s cloud-init to work with it so I don’t have to hard code one in the image.

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