I’ve read multiple posts asking the same question, on KVM and open nebula forums and in general virtualization ones but have only found partial or bogus answers.
Some Info:
- Objective: Be able to rent VPSs deployed on O.N.
- Ubuntu Server 20.04 was installed a few days ago and updated
- ON is in a single host config (front-end & host are one)
- I’ve got a /29 IP block and would like to use those IPs on VMs
I have tried manually installing ON node and frontend and setup a vnet manually and was unable to reach internet connectivity in any VM, and I have tried using the ON Minione script as well, it was successfully able to create a NAT bridge that allowed my VM’s to gain access to the internet but it used a Private IP range instead of the public one.
Here is a paste of my current Netplan Configuration.
At this point I am almost clueless about what it is that I need to do in order to get this working, I hope one of you can understand this situation and make sense of it for me. I have spent hours upon hours troubleshooting this and can’t seem to figure it out. Any help is appreciated, thanks.