I am running OpenNebula 5.6 as a 3 node HA configuratioon, running on 3 metal machines were each have a different NIC (eno1, enp6s0 and enp3s0) .
Even if the name of the bridge network interface on the 3 hosts are the same (br0), the NIC:s are not. That means that I can not specify the physical device when I configure a Bridged network. As I haven’t configured it, I can not ping it from my network. Bellow is my network layout:
Internet --> Firewall/router --> Internal Network --> OpenNebula Bridge (br0) --> OpenNebula Network
More information about OpenNebula network configuration and bridge is available at https://pastebin.com/GtP41STa
Is there a way/recommendations on how I can make this work?