Open Cloud in OVH dedicated server

Hey guys, I’m having trouble configuring OpenNebula on a single node on a dedicated OVH server. I was unable to configure the network. I tried several ways to create the bridge, I tried to configure MAC, but nothing worked. Is it possible to use OpenNebula in OVH? Is it possible to configure this without MAC addresses or is it possible to configure all MACs and IPs before creating VMS to automate this task? I appreciate the responses.

Anybody ? I just need to know how do I make my VMs see the internet? any tutorial?

Hello, you can try the miniONE to deploy a single-node evaluation cloud. Best, Vlastimil

Thank you, I’ll try it. But I think my problem is more related to the network configuration of the additional IPs from OVH than to the installation of openNebula itself.

Hi, if the additional IPs are routed to your dedicated server, you have different options:

  • Use iptables (table nat) to route traffic to VMs attached to the bridge (SNAD and DNAT if you need reachability from Internet to VMs or MASQUERADE if you only need reachability from VMs to Internet)
  • Use OneFlow Network mapping & Floating IPs.


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Although late, I will describe here how to use Opennebula with the OVH Dedicated Server’s Dedicated IPs, for future research.

Basically, you need to create bridge device on the Host, and connect the network host adapter in this bridge. The management IP should be configurated in the bridge. For example, using Almalinux 8 in the hosts:

Configure network adapter:

# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno3
#BOOTPROTO=dhcp #comment here
#HWADDR=0c:c4:xx:xx:xx:xx # comment and copy here

Configure the bridge:

# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0

HWADDR=0c:c4:xx:xx:xx:xx  ## paste MAC copied

Then in Opennebula you will create a Network as:

  • Bridge: br0
  • Network mode: Custom
  • Network Driver : dummy
  • VLAN ID (is mandatory in this configuration, using Sunstone 6.4.0): 0

For each IP used do you need to generate a new MAC in the OVH panel and create a new address range in Opennebula size 1 (OK, it’s not elegant but it’s the solution I found).

I hope it helps other people.

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