Change boot order of existing VM's

Hi All,

Any way to change the boot order of running VM’s?

Sometime back I posted on an earlier thread. Not sure if this was revisited and added in:


Figured it out!

  1. Power Off the machine.
  2. Ensure state is POWEROFF in Sunstone
  3. Issue [oneadmin@one01 ~]$ onevm updateconf
  4. Set the boot disk order as follows:

BOOT=“disk1,disk0” ]

With disk1 being the image disk you want to use to install with.


Hi, you don’t even need to go to CLI, just power off VM and in Sustone on “Conf” tab hit “Update Configuration” button.

EDIT: If you want to do it while VM is in Running state, you can, but only in 5.10 RC version.