Change boot order in GUI

Hello o/

I try to find a way to change boot order in my opennebula configuration after made the machine.
I see an old version (6.2 not managed by me) which have the boot order fonction, but in 6.10 I can’t found this configuration in Sunstone.
I try with oneadmin and my admin user with all dashboard and I can’t find a way to display boot order configuration.

I check this topic but I don’t know where I set this variable. I try to add it in /etc/one/vmm_exec/vmm_exec_kvm.conf with value RAW=<bootmenu enable='yes'/> but it’s not work.

Can you help me ? :slight_smile:
Thank :slight_smile:

Hello @Dryusdan,

The configuration in 6.10 might be not visible by default. Please check our documentation: Ruby Sunstone Views — OpenNebula 6.10.2 documentation

The configuration file is typically found at /etc/one/sunstone-views.yaml. Search for the features section, check the the show_boot_order attribute is set to true. Save the changes and restart the service.

Let me know if that worked.


Hello @FrancJP o/

If I understand config file, change show_boot_order only affect instanciate componment ?

True to show boot order section to instantiate VM

And I discovered it’s already set to true on my views ^^

But after instanciate a VM I can’t find boot order tab :confused:

Good Afternoon. Yes, we have noticed the error and it is resolved in the following issue