Change vCenter IP address in Sunstone


How could I change vcenter IP address in Sunstone?

From Sunstone VCENTER_HOST can’t be modified and I was stupid enough to use only IP
address instead of hostname but now I have to make some changes to our network and
vcenter will change it’s IP address.

We’re running 6.4.2 on Centos 7 and when upgrading to 6.6 I will migrate to AlmaLinux and
latest versions. That’s when the IP address change would happen as well.

vCenter is 7.0U3 and same with ESXi hypervisors.

Thank you for any input!

Now on 6.8.1 and AlmaLinux 8.

Is there a way to change vcenter server IP address?


The safest way would be to detach the resources from OpenNebula, then import them again using the new IP address if that’s possible for your situation.

Alternatively, and much less safely, you may be able to change the values in the database using the onedb change-body command. You should only do this if the vCenter Reference ID’s haven’t changed or anything like that. If you choose this route please make sure you take backups of your database and be prepared to restore it if something goes wrong.

Here is some more information on how to use the onedb change-body command: Database Maintenance — OpenNebula 6.8.1 documentation
Here is a manual page for that command: onedb(1) - OpenNebula database migration tool

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