Details about vSphere environment

Hi folks,

Continuing with my tests, now using VMware environment, that I already have running several production services, if possible I would like to check some points.

Could some please could clarify me about the following points!?

  1. Is not possible resize the SO disk (based on template) ?

  2. How can I add new disks to instance/vm and is it possible resize it?

    • Should I create an “Image” type “Generic Storage DataBlock” using the Vcenter Datastore previously imported ? Or need execute other procedure?
  3. It seems Opennebula contextualization does not working, if I undertood correctly.
    I have created a ubuntu template in Vmware and imported it using Sunstone, and I did the same with VM Virtual Network.
    When I start the ubuntu machine the system does not apply the hostname, ip address config. remebering that I have instaled the

  4. When I do a shutdown by Sytem SSH/Console the SunStone show me that VM still in “Running” state, is it normal!?

There are other points that I would check, but I 'm executing several tests before ask.

best regards,


Any info folks!?

1 Is not possible resize the SO disk (based on template) ?

Not currently, we are working to add this feature for next OpenNebula releases

2 How can I add new disks to instance/vm and is it possible resize it? (Should I create an “Image” type “Generic Storage DataBlock” using the Vcenter Datastore previously imported ? Or need execute other procedure?)

You can import Datastores and VMDKs as images. Once imported, you can go to the Storage tab of a running VM and click on Attach Disk button. Currently it is not possible to resize it.

3 It seems Opennebula contextualization does not working, if I undertood correctly. I have created a ubuntu template in Vmware and imported it using Sunstone, and I did the same with VM Virtual Network. When I start the ubuntu machine the system does not apply the hostname, ip address config. remebering that I have instaled the

This is the correct workflow, although you are probably missing adding a new NIC to the VM Template before instantiating it, is this step also covered?

4 When I do a shutdown by Sytem SSH/Console the SunStone show me that VM still in “Running” state, is it normal!?

No, it should go to poweroff state in OpenNebula. What is the state of the VM in vCenter?

Hi Tino, thank you by your answers.

I’ll comment inline some doubts.

In case of, the end user using the “Sunstone GUI”, all process need to be done by Sunstone.
The correct way is, instanciate new vm, and after that create new datablock disk and attach it on Vm previously instantiated?

Yes, that would be the correct workflow.

What is the correct/indicated network type when imported by Sunstone Ethernet or IPv4 ?

With type Ethernet, OpenNebula won’t assign IP addresses to VMs, only MAC addresses. With type IP4, OpenNebula will assign IP addresses.

The current state in vCenter is powerd off. look the images attached.

Odd, could you send through the output of the following command executed in the OpenNebula front-end :slight_smile:

/var/lib/one/remotes/im/vcenter.d/vcenter.rb x x x x ClusterCloud

where HID is the id of the ClusterCloud as seen in the ID column of the Host tab in Sunstone.

Hi @tinova,

Thank you by your great explanation!

I’m attaching the result of command, with VM Running and with VM PowerOff.

Thank you.

log_vm_poweroff.txt (5.8 KB)
log_vm_running.txt (6.1 KB)

Thanks for the detailed feedback.

I fail to see the VM being monitored at all in the host.

Let’s see if we can find what is going on. Could you please send through:

  • onehost list
  • onevm show -x 11

Hello @tinova

Thank you by your feedback.
Follow the files, a bit details is that the current vm now has ID 16, I removed the other with ID 11.

Best regards,

onevm_show_running.txt (9.7 KB)
onehost_list.txt (194 Bytes)
onevm_show_poweroff.txt (9.7 KB)


Look this other log attached pls.
As I told, I’ve deleted the VM with ID 11 days ago. But onevm show -x 11 show me information about that VM and any other that I already deleted.

Is it normal !? I believe that no…


wrong_data.txt (7.7 KB)

It is the normal behaviour, OpenNebula maintains the VM in the DB after its lifecycle ends. Please note that the state is DONE (6 is the internal number for state DONE).

Since the ID has changed, I would need the test again:

/var/lib/one/remotes/im/vcenter.d/vcenter.rb x x x x ClusterCloud

as well as the log VM 11 and the last 500 lines of oned.log

Hello @tinova,

Thank you by your help. It follow the log files.

Best regards,


vm_demo.log (18.4 KB)
cluster_cloud_off.txt (6.3 KB)
cluster_cloud_on.txt (6.7 KB)
vm_list_after_poweroff.txt (437 Bytes)
oned.log (67.5 KB)