Error copying image in the datastore in Opennebula 5.2

There are 3 problems described in this thread:

  1. Missing . This appliance is gone, it was replaced by

  2. If you still see some obsolete appliances in your OpenNebula installation, you have some older version which didn’t synchronize and cleaned up the local appliances list properly. It was fixed by You can use this patch to fix your database or disable them via onemarketapp disable $NAME as described here OpenNebula Marketplace cleanup.

  3. The connection timeout to the Market Place server is a different problem unrelated to the above. From time to time it can happen the MP server is under load and the requests fail on timeout. Because the OpenNebula polls MP very often and appliances nearly don’t change, unless you see the error every e.g. 5 minutes, you don’t need to worry.

Best regards,
Vlastimil Holer