I’m new to OpenNebula and i have problem when attempting to create a host, weather it was through the sunstone GUI or through the command line.
*in the GUI it gives me an Error Status for the created host.
*in the command line when i write this command “onehost create localhost -i kvm -v kvm -n dummy”, it gives me this message “[HostAllocate] User couldn’t be authenticated, aborting call.”
This may be a ssh configuration issue.
Check your authorized_keys and know_hosts file. You can also check if your sunstone user has your ssh public key here:
thanks @AbelC for your reply, but would you please give me more details about how to solve this ? because it’s the first time i use all this OpenNebula and virtualization things
Opennebula uses ssh protocol. This allows you to communicate with a remote host. I imagine to test opennebula you use localhost. You need the file authorized_keys with your shh public key. So one recognizes your actions.
after looking at the link that you @AbelC gave me, i see that it shows the steps to manually configurating SSH, but the problem is that i already followed the documentation given by the openNebula.org “http://docs.opennebula.org/pdf/4.4/opennebula_4.4_design_and_installation_guide.pdf” and it includes already an SSH public key configuration (Section 1.5. Configure SSH Public Key, page 58). So i still don’t know what’s exactly missing.