Having Problems adding Hosts

Hey there everyone,

Well I have the OpenNebula installed on a vm with in my infrastructure but I am having issues adding my hosts to the frontend.

I have chacked the ~/.one/one_auth file on the frontend and the intended node and the passwords are the same however I changed my password in the GUI after I first got logged on

This is the error I get at the cli trying to add one of my hosts

onehost create farragut -i kvm -v kvm -n dummy
[HostAllocate] User couldn’t be authenticated, aborting call.

Just not sure what is causing this, and before you ask yes I have googled it several times and got things that really didn’t make sense to me.


If you change your password, you need to update the one_auth file with the new one. That is where you set your username and password for the CLI commands. You can read more here: http://docs.opennebula.org/4.12/administration/users_and_groups/manage_users.html#user-authentication

Thank you sir i will give that a shot I appreciate your help, I would imagine they have to be changed in the frontend as well as all nodes correct?

I am seeing this after changing my password in the ~/.one/one_auth file

So I opened my log file and I see this at the end:

Fri Sep 11 05:47:31 2015 [ImM][D]: Datastore files (2) successfully monitored.
Fri Sep 11 05:47:31 2015 [ImM][D]: Datastore default (1) successfully monitored.
Fri Sep 11 05:47:32 2015 [ReM][D]: Req:6880 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo invoked, -2, -1, -1, -1
Fri Sep 11 05:47:32 2015 [ReM][E]: Req:6880 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo result FAILURE [VirtualMachinePoolInfo] User couldn’t be authenticated$
Fri Sep 11 05:47:32 2015 [ReM][D]: Req:6880 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo invoked, -2, -1, -1, -1
Fri Sep 11 05:47:32 2015 [ReM][E]: Req:6880 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo result FAILURE [VirtualMachinePoolInfo] User couldn’t be authenticated$
Fri Sep 11 05:47:36 2015 [ONE][E]: Error monitoring Host farragut.coopfire.loc (0): Error executing probes
Fri Sep 11 05:47:56 2015 [ONE][E]: Error monitoring Host farragut.coopfire.loc (0): Error executing probes
Fri Sep 11 05:48:01 2015 [ReM][D]: Req:1920 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo invoked, -2, -1, -1, -1
Fri Sep 11 05:48:01 2015 [ReM][E]: Req:1920 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo result FAILURE [VirtualMachinePoolInfo] User couldn’t be authenticated$
Fri Sep 11 05:48:01 2015 [ReM][D]: Req:1920 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo invoked, -2, -1, -1, -1
Fri Sep 11 05:48:01 2015 [ReM][E]: Req:1920 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo result FAILURE [VirtualMachinePoolInfo] User couldn’t be authenticated$
Fri Sep 11 05:48:16 2015 [ONE][E]: Error monitoring Host farragut.coopfire.loc (0): Error executing probes
Fri Sep 11 05:48:26 2015 [InM][D]: Monitoring datastore default (1)
Fri Sep 11 05:48:26 2015 [InM][D]: Monitoring datastore files (2)
Fri Sep 11 05:48:27 2015 [ImM][D]: Datastore default (1) successfully monitored.
Fri Sep 11 05:48:27 2015 [ImM][D]: Datastore files (2) successfully monitored.
Fri Sep 11 05:48:32 2015 [ReM][D]: Req:560 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo invoked, -2, -1, -1, -1
Fri Sep 11 05:48:32 2015 [ReM][E]: Req:560 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo result FAILURE [VirtualMachinePoolInfo] User couldn’t be authenticated,$
Fri Sep 11 05:48:32 2015 [ReM][D]: Req:560 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo invoked, -2, -1, -1, -1
Fri Sep 11 05:48:32 2015 [ReM][E]: Req:560 UID:- VirtualMachinePoolInfo result FAILURE [VirtualMachinePoolInfo] User couldn’t be authenticated,$

I will keep researching but this is very annoying.

Yes, authentication can be annoying, but it’s there for a reason… My guess is that the VirtualMachinePoolInfo calls are failing because the scheduler was launched before the oneadmin password was changed in one_auth. Try restarting the opennebula service.

Hello Carlos,

      Thanks again, It appears that this is still an issue after

restarting OpenNebula Service and rebooting the host box to have a clean
slate. I will have to keep researching,

I am a noob so I am still learning how to diagnose and work in the
OpenNebula environment.

By the way I am going to try to install it on CentOS as the frontend and
see if that works any better. Right now I am an all Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04
Shop so-to-speak.

Thank you very much for your help,

Michael A Cooper
Linux/Windows Web Administrator

Hey Carlos I got this worked out it was a ~/.ssh/authorized_key issue.

I think I am having same issue what was done for you nexusguy59? what was needed to ~/.ssh/authorized_key issue. ?

I ended up havingto do an ssh-copy-id to each server from the front end.

Michael A Cooper
Linux & Zerto Certified Professional

THANKS!! I apprecaite your fast response.

Not a problem sir anytime.

Michael A Cooper
Linux & Zerto Certified Professional