Hello Everyone,
I work for a large French company and we are thinking about implementing opennebula.
We have use cases and we wonder if this solution can match it.
We are mainly deploying several vms using ansible playbooks and the idea would be to use sunsonte to replace our current use.
Currently, we have CSV files that we convert to yml files. The CSV contains the list of vms, cluster, datastore, vswitch, ips, cpu, ram, disk, filesystem, middelware.
What we want :
A user logs on to sunstone, he selects a template, the number of machines he wants, ram, cpu, the number of disks and their sizes and applications to install. It must also be able to assign ips to each machine (static).
Then, an email must be sent to an administrator indicating the request and the administrator validates the request or not.
Does anyone have a feedback on this type of use? Is it conceivable?
Thank you for your feedbacks