How much is the cost of using Opennebula on my Test PC?

Sorry for bothering your work.
I just install Opennebula on my Test PC.
Do this Opennebula need license to pay, or any other free to pay?
Can I use Opennebula on my Test PC for free forever?


Hi Shu, welcome to OpenNebula! :smiley:

You are not bothering at all, that’s what this forum and the Community is for, to help each other! :+1:

OpenNebula is a 100% open source project and releases only one version of the product, and that release comes under the Apache v.2.0 license, which means you (among other freedoms) are free to use OpenNebula for as long as you want. Obviously, you might want to get an updated version from time to time… :wink:

You’ll see we sometimes mention “subscriptions” but those are normally for corporate users with production environments that require professional support for their OpenNebula instances.

Hope that clarified your doubts :slight_smile: Again, welcome to the Community and enjoy OpenNebula!
