How to access custom vCenter VM attributes?

A colleague of mine has set up an OpenNebula instance as a front end to vCenter.
We use certain custom attributes on our vCenter VMs (not in OpenNebula, but in vCenter) for bookkeeping (e.g. an Expiry date).
Is there a way to make these show up in the OpenNebula interface or even make them editable there?

We’re running 5.10.1, in case that matters.

Hello @reinier_post

You can use vCenter customizations inside OpenNebula, check more information here.


Thank you very much! I will investigate this.

Hello @reinier_post
Since I have the same problem as you, I would be interested in the concrete solution. Unfortunately the advice here did not help me, I am of the opinion that this does not work with vCenter customizations.
Am I wrong?
Have you found a solution?

Despite my promise, I never found the time to do this.
A colleague of mine took over.

I will check if we can find the time to do it now. If I understand correctly, this can be applied to individual templates without affecting other templates or VMs that already run.

What I did do is check the documentation that ahuertas linked to, on using vCenter customization in OpenNebula templates, and that feature seems unrelated to my question. vCenter customization allows us to customize how VMs start up. I don’t want to do that; I want to see the custom attributes we can specify for a VM in vCenter.