I need to create VM in opennebula 5.0.2 using xml rpc?what is the correct method one.vm.allocate or one.template.instantiate? what is the difference between two?
These are two different way two create a VM:
one.template.instantiate creates a new VM based on an existing template
one.vm.allocate creates a new VM but you need to provide all the information of the VM
They resemble the CLI usage:
$ onetemplate instantiate 5 (creates a VM from template 5)
$ onevm create --name the_vm --cpu 1 --memory 1024 --nic 2,3 --disk 1 --context yes …
please could you write an example with “one.template.instantiate” ? I have tried this but everting is wrong. I have created the Template. I know how create VM via web, but I have no idea how to create VM via python (one.template.instantiate).
Thank you
Hello @Xgery
You have an example here in the official documentation.
one.template.instantiate(0, "my_VM")
Hello @ahuertas
Thank you…