How can we increase the oned.log file per line printing to not truncated the output?
Fri Jan 17 13:09:42 2025 [Z0][ReM][D]: Req:8912 UID:0 IP: one.vm.attach invoked , 497, "disk=/var/lib/libvir..."
Fri Jan 17 13:10:21 2025 [Z0][ReM][D]: Req:1760 UID:0 result SUCCESS, "<RAFT><SERVER_ID>-1<..."
On different service fireedge there is thje below configurable for this. On oned.config I don’t seen anything similar. As a long shot I tried adding “truncate_max_length:” to oned.config, but it failed to start (as likely expected on unknown configurable.)
oneadmin@:/var/log/one$ less /etc/one/fireedge-server.conf
# Log debug level:
# 0 = ERROR, 1 = WARNING, 2 = INFO, 5 = DEBUG
debug_level: 5
# Maximum length of log messages (chars)
# Messages exceeding this limit will be truncated
# -1 => No limit
truncate_max_length: 1000
Thanks for the quick replay. I had missed that section of the oned.conf file.
I made this change and restarted the service, but given the text “invoke” on the format string; I wonder if this will also affect the response log printing? Is there another setting for responses?
# LOG_CALL_FORMAT: Format string to log XML-RPC calls. Interpreted strings:
# %i -- request id
# %m -- method name
# %u -- user id
# %U -- user name
# %l[number] -- param list and number of characters (optional) to print
# each parameter, default is 20. Example: %l300
# %p -- user password
# %g -- group id
# %G -- group name
# %a -- auth token
# %A -- client IP address (only IPv4 supported)
# %P -- client TCP port
# %% -- %
#MAX_CONN = 15
#MESSAGE_SIZE = 1073741824
#LOG_CALL_FORMAT = "Req:%i UID:%u IP:%A %m invoked %l20"
Tue Jan 21 14:31:33 2025 [Z0][ReM][D]: Req:4288 UID:0 IP: one.vmpool.infoextended invoked , -2, -1, -1, -1
Tue Jan 21 14:31:33 2025 [Z0][ReM][D]: Req:4288 UID:0 one.vmpool.infoextended result SUCCESS, "<VM_POOL><VM><ID>508...
Also I’m currently using version 6.10.0 and attempted this config change on two different setups. 1 setup built with minione ansible playbooks and a 2nd build with OneDeploy playbooks. Which I assume covers this documentation warning?
"This functionality is only available when compiled with xmlrpc-c libraries >= 1.32. Currently only the packages distributed by OpenNebula are linked with this library."
If you need the request/response to debug/develop an application using the OpenNebula API I found it useful to set mitmproxy and observe the full interaction from there.
I ran into this same issue. And ran across this thread in my search for a solution. Eventually I created a ticket at OpenNebula (we have Enterprise support). This was there response: