How to manage containers in OpenNebula on top of vCenter

Hello Dears,

I’m trying to create a private cloud environment on top of vCenter cluster. I’m able to manage VMs (managing networking, datastore, resource allocation,…) but I was wondering how can I manage containers as well as VMs inside the OpenNebula.
could you please guide me to find an overview about this matter?

Hi @Hamed_Maleki!
Right now, OpenNebula provides a native model for (application) container orchestration, but it’s based on the Firecracker hypervisor.
If you are looking for support for Kubernetes, there’s also a Certified K8s Virtual Appliance, but that one is for KVM.
Have you had a look at this section of our web, by the way?

thank you for your reply.
there is something that is unclear for me.
What I want is to create a virtual datacenter for ( let say a customer A) only in vCenter environment.
but the other one (customer B) needs to have an environment for their containers and manage them at a same place. Can I use firecracker or K8S appliance on different hosts and manage them in sunstone with my vCenter clusters? are my users able to have both environments and manage them in a single panel ?

Hi @Hamed_Maleki! Yes, you should be able to do that with VDCs: