noVNC and screen size


I’m doing some test with three screens (laptop, one TFT and a wacom tablet) and I have found this problem:

  • when I open a VNC session from an instance, its size depends on what screen I’m seeing that. By this reason, I get a good resolution in laptop and Wacom, but not in monitor.

  • In the same way, when I drag-and-drop VNC tab between my screens, the white frame (when we can see instance number, started time, etc) resizes too, so in my laptop is smaller than in TFT and Wacom

I attach three screenshots where you could see what I’m explaining:

  • from laptop:

  • from TFT:

  • from Wacom:

I have read that I need to update noVNC packages (v.0.5.1-2 in CentOS7) with there is not any RPM update available. Also, I have checked that “novnc” that is running in my system is from opennebula-novnc package (binary /usr/bin/novnc-server) and not from novnc package (binary /usr/bin/novnc_server).

Is there any way for configuring that of for solving my problem?


Hi @Daniel_Ruiz_Molina,

I encourage you to try the FireEdge server and configure it to use VNC through Guacamole.
You can read more information here.


OK, I will try it.


Hi @sbetanzos,

I have read FireEdge Configuration — OpenNebula 6.2.1 documentation and, after installing opennebula-guacd (and guacd) packages, reconfigured sunstone-server.conf and fireedge.conf files, I have got same result when I try to connect via VNC to my virtual instance. In other words, when I click on “VNC” button, I get the same “VNC tab” and I haven’t got any change, so I think Guacamole is not running fine.
In FireEdge Configuration — OpenNebula 6.2.1 documentation says that configuration is minimal, so I have only reconfigured sunstone-server.conf (last line) and fireedge.conf (enabling guacd ports and host).

Am I doing something wrong?


Hi @Daniel_Ruiz_Molina,

Can you login on FireEdge GUI after installation? it should be the same as public_fireedge_endpoint

To make sure you’re using FireEdge server w/ Guacamole, you can take a look in the fireedge.log file or open the browser console and search the Networks tab

** After a configuration change, the Sunstone server must be restarted to take effect.



I had configured “sunstone-server.conf” enabling ONLY private fireedge and not public fireedge. Now, I have got Guacamole button :wink: but I need to test my scenario with network and NAT, because I need to connect to a virtual instance that is running with a private IP from a laptop that is running public IP.



The :public_fireedge_endpoint is the base URL (domain or IP-based) over which end-users can access the Guacamole service, so it’s required to proper operation

Sunstone will be connect via websocket to Guacamole throught the FirEdge server.
