Oneprovision failing

Oneprovision is failing to create provisions, in different providers and different hypervisors

I’m not sure if this is a global problem or just mine. I accidentaly run sudo oneprovision once and since then I can’t create more provisions, even without sudo.

The problem is in the ansible TASK: Update local known_hosts

Log WARNING: This operation can take tens of minutes. Please be patient.

[WARNING]: Skipping callback plugin ‘’, unable to load

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************

TASK [python : Install Python 2 (Debian/Ubuntu)] *******************************

changed: []

TASK [Install libselinux-python3 (Centos8 8)] **********************************
changed: []

PLAY [nodes] *******************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: []
TASK [ddc : Check supported platform] ******************************************
ok: [] => {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “All assertions passed”

TASK [ddc : Disable ufw] *******************************************************
changed: []

TASK [opennebula-repository : Install apt-transport-https] *********************
changed: []

TASK [opennebula-repository : Add repository key] ******************************
changed: []

TASK [opennebula-repository : Add OpenNebula repository (Ubuntu)] **************
changed: []

TASK [opennebula-node-lxc : Install OpenNebula node LXC package] ***************
changed: []

[WARNING]: The value 9869 (type int) in a string field was converted to ‘9869’
(type string). If this does not look like what you expect, quote the entire
value to ensure it does not change.

TASK [opennebula-ssh : Create /var/lib/one/.ssh directory] *********************
ok: []

TASK [opennebula-ssh : Configure SSH server PasswordAuthentication] ************
ok: []

TASK [opennebula-ssh : Configure SSH server PermitRootLogin] *******************
changed: []

TASK [opennebula-ssh : Update local known_hosts] *******************************

failed: [ → localhost] (item={‘type’: ‘ssh-rsa’, ‘key’: ‘hidden key=’}) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: false, “item”: {“key”: “hidden key=”, “type”: “ssh-rsa”}, “msg”: “ssh-keygen failed (rc=255, stdout=’’,stderr=‘do_known_hosts: hostkeys_foreach failed: Permission denied\r\n’)”}

failed: [ → localhost] (item={‘type’: ‘ecdsa-sha2-nistp256’, ‘key’: ‘hidden key=’}) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: false, “item”: {“key”: “hiddden key”}, “msg”: “ssh-keygen failed (rc=255, stdout=’’,stderr=‘do_known_hosts: hostkeys_foreach failed: Permission denied\r\n’)”}

failed: [ → localhost] (item={‘type’: ‘ssh-ed25519’, ‘key’: ‘hidden key’}) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: false, “item”: {“key”: “hidden key”, “type”: “ssh-ed25519”}, “msg”: “ssh-keygen failed (rc=255, stdout=’’,stderr=‘do_known_hosts: hostkeys_foreach failed: Permission denied\r\n’)”}

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=12 changed=8 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=35 rescued=0 ignored=0

This is happening in OpenNebula 6.2.1, in an Ubuntu 18.04 frontend and started happenining on the 17/03

Hello @Samu,

Please take in account that if you run the command with sudo permissions might change and you will have issues if you run without sudo afterwards.

As you can see here:

failed: [ → localhost] (item={‘type’: ‘ssh-ed25519’, ‘key’: ‘hidden key’}) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: false, “item”: {“key”: “hidden key”, “type”: “ssh-ed25519”}, “msg”: “ssh-keygen failed (rc=255, stdout=’’,stderr=‘do_known_hosts: hostkeys_foreach failed: Permission denied\r\n’)”}

So please, check all the permissions of files under /var/lib/one/.ssh and /var/lib/one/.ssh-oneprovision.


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That was it! Thank u so much :heart: