HI @ nhansen
I’m attempting to run oneswap for the first time and I’m stuck getting started.
I’ve attended and watched a couple webinars on oneswap and followed the wiki, but I can’t get past this error. I’m guessing I’m missing a required arg - thus the NULL value, but I can’t figure out which one … if that is the reason.
Any hint as to what this is failing on?
BTW this was a git clone from today. I ran “./install.sh -c”
I’ve tried running as root and oneadmin, same results
git clone https://github.com/OpenNebula/one-swap.git
oneadmin@onedeploy-3:~$ oneswap convert 'clone-smoke2-tools-host-convert' --verbose
Deleting password files.
Delete not enabled, leaving disks in /tmp/clone-smoke2-tools-host-convert/conversions
Delete not enabled, leaving /tmp/clone-smoke2-tools-host-convert alone.
undefined method `to_hash' for nil:NilClass
oneadmin@onedeploy-3:~$ ls -lrht /tmp/clone-smoke2-tools-h*
total 8.0K
drwxrwxr-x 2 oneadmin oneadmin 4.0K Feb 25 23:35 transfers
drwxrwxr-x 2 oneadmin oneadmin 4.0K Feb 25 23:35 conversions
oneadmin@onedeploy-3:~$ ls -lrht /tmp/clone-smoke2-tools-h*/*
total 0
total 0
oneadmin@onedeploy-3:~$ ls -lrht /var/log/one/oneswa*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 oneadmin oneadmin 0 Feb 25 23:34 /var/log/one/oneswap.stdout
-rw-rw-r-- 1 oneadmin oneadmin 0 Feb 25 23:34 /var/log/one/oneswap.stderr
I’m trying to use ssh to ESXI host as my convert option. Its all in the same lab, so I figured that would be the fastest method for me.
I’m running this on a functional OneDeploy 6.10.0 setup. Front-end and onecli working fine. Its on a new install of Ubuntu24.04 as well. I check and the requied oneswap packages are there.
oneswap can communicate with my vcenter fine and list the VM I’m looking for.
oneadmin@onedeploy-3:~$ oneswap list vms | grep clone-smoke2-tools-h
vm-27436 clone-smoke2-tools-h poweredOff HostSystem 2 8192 4226f1aa-34d5-6072-cf37-041304e5e013
From this same host I can manually ssh into the ESXI listed with user/pass provided just fine. I also set the VCENTER_NETWORK_MATCH attritubes on my two vnets.
I had seen in another post to turn on DEBUG mode at oneswap_helper.rb. It seems I’m failing before that as those files are created, but zero length.
I have the following in /var/lib/one/oneswap.yaml I also tried with value on command line, but had the same result.
(change value for this post from my real host/password)
oneadmin@onedeploy-3:~$ cat oneswap.yaml pwd
# OpenNebula Transfer Options, required for remote OpenNebula server
:http_transfer: false # Enable HTTP transfer
#:http_host: '' # Hostname of this server
#:http_port: 29869 # HTTP Port to transfer over
# vCenter Authentication
:vcenter: 'laasdev-vcenter' # vCenter hostname or IP
:vuser: 'myuser@vsphere.local' # vCenter username
:vpass: 'mypass' # vCenter password
:port: 443 # vCenter port
# ESXi Authentication
:esxi_ip: 'lassdev-m4-40g-h5' # ESXi hostname or IP
:esxi_user: 'root' # ESXi username
:esxi_pass: 'mypass@123' # ESXi password
# Transfer Options
#:custom_convert: # Uses OpenNebula's custom conversion process, useful for distributions which are not supported or fail to convert
#:fallback: # Fallback to OpenNebula's custom conversion process
#:hybrid: # Transfer using rbvmomi2's download, then convert with virt-v2v locally
#:img_wait: # Amount of time to wait in seconds for image to be created in OpenNebula, default: 120
# NIC Options
:network: 25 # ID of the OpenNebula network
:skip_ip: true # Do not create IP in OpenNebula network
:skip_mac: true # Do not create MAC in OpenNebula network
# Datastore Options
:datastore: 1 # ID of the OpenNebula Image datastore
# virt-v2v Options
#:work_dir: '/tmp' # Directory where disk conversion takes place, will make subdir for each VM
:format: 'qcow2' # Disk format [ qcow2 | raw ]
#:vddk_path: # Path to VDDK library
#:qemu_ga_win: # Path to QEMU Guest Agent ISO for Windows
#:qemu_ga_linux: # Install QEMU Guest Agent for Linux
#:virtio_path: # Path to VirtIO drivers for Windows
#:virt_tools: /usr/local/share/virt-tools # Path to the directory containing rhsrvany.exe
#:v2v_path: 'virt-v2v' # Path to virt-v2v
# Extra Options
#:delete: false # Delete the VM Disks after transfer
#:context: '/var/lib/one/context/' # Path to OpenNebula context packages
# OpenNebula Placement Options
:one_cluster: 0 # ID of the OpenNebula Cluster
:one_host: 0 # ID of the OpenNebula Host
:one_datastore: 0 # ID of the OpenNebula System Datastore
#:one_datastore_cluster: # ID of the OpenNebula Cluster for automatic Datastore assignment
# Extra VM Options:
#:dev_prefix: # Device prefix for the VM disks ex: sd, hd, vd
#:cpu_model: # CPU model
#:graphics_type: # Graphics type: vnc, sdl, spice
#:graphics_listen: # Graphics listen IP
#:graphics_port: # Graphics port
#:graphics_keymap: # Graphics keymap
#:graphics_password: # Graphics password
#:graphics_command: # Graphics command
#:disable_contextualization: # Remove default contextualization options in OpenNebula, Default: Network and SSH enabled
#:persistent_img: # Persistent Image, default: false
#:memory_max: # Memory max in MB
#:vcpu_max: # vCPU max allowed in integer format. CPU Hot Add required in VMWare.
#:cpu: # Physical CPU allowed in integer format. Default: match CPU cores from vCenter
#:vcpu: # vCPU allowed in integer format. Default: match CPU cores from vCenter
Thank you for your time and help,