there is a minor error in instantiating vm from a template.
How to reproduce:
make sure there are more than one images in different size.
create a template using one of the images.
then update the template and in storage without deleting the existing disk just click on the other one, see it changes and save. Then go to instantiation. On the main screen it shows the first image’s size and when you click on the instantiate it gives error about sizeand wont proceed.
way around:
when updating first delete the existing disk and add another one. then instantiate
The only explanation that I can come up with is that the DISK has the SIZE attribute set. And when you change to another image, sunstone replaces IMAGE and IMAGE_UNAME, but not DISK.
It is ttylinux-kvm template i’ve downloaded from public marketplace. Yes you’re right size is set in the template and sunstone dont update it.
Btw, I’m not sure if this is the right place of this question but; when I “create” a VM by instantiating inside a template, it clones the image and creates a VM with this new image, and “produces” another template (with the same name of the new VM). And this makes clones of clones of… images&templates. Is this the proper way of creating a new VM? What I expect is; when I try to instantiate inside a template, it should ensure that the image is not in use (if it is persistent), then create the VM with this image. So there’s no additional images or templates. It just makes image “in use”. If I needed a clone of an image, I could do it myswlf