OpenNebula 5 and VMs from Market

Hi! I have Opennebula 5.0.1 cluster with ceph datastore (image and system). I test cluster few weeks and found same problems.

  1. I need chanege DRIVER & FORMAT from qcow2 to raw in image after dowload from market.
  2. Ubuntu 16.04 from market can’t boot after apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. Boot stop on “random: nonblocking pool is initialized” line.
  3. ArchLinux get network but any can’t connect.

2. Ubuntu 16.04 from market can’t boot after apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. Boot stop on “random: nonblocking pool is initialized” line

This happens because by default ubuntu configures a serial console. Probably to be used with cloud-init.

In the images of the marketplace this configuration is deleted from /boot/grub/grub.cfg:

sed -i 's/console=ttyS0$//g' /boot/grub/grub.cfg

But not from /etc/default/grub.cfg. While we fix this you can apply the same sed command to both files.

I have just updated
with that issue fixed

Not fixed!

You’re right. The grub defaults are overwritten by the upgrade process. I’m working on a fix to be added to the context packages. Meanwhile you can add the file /etc/default/grub.d/99-opennebula-settings.cfg with this line:


With that file the upgrade process shouldn’t render the image unbootable.

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

Debian 8.4 image not get network.

A new version of the image is uploaded that should fix that problem. We are not releasing new packages as we want to add more fixes.

New context packages with these fixes. The images will be recreated shortly.