OpenNebula Zabbix template

Hi, I have written Zabbix-template for OpenNebula, you can found it here:

I want to contibute to OpenNebula group on github. :slight_smile:


Hi kvaps, it looks excellent, but what do you mean with ZFS-storage? It’s zabbix!

Hi, this is just copy&paste mistake from my previous contribution.
Sorry, fixed :slight_smile:

Great job!! looking forward to use it on my datacenter

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Hi @kvaps, is this Zabbix add-on supposed to work with the latest version of OpenNebula?

Thanks for your work!!

Hi, sorry I can’t confirm this for sure since we’re still on 5.10 and also switched to prometheus exporter

But I think that 5.12 have no significant changes in API for XML-resources, so it should work as well.

BTW, latest zabbix should also have native support for prometheus exporter format.

@kvaps I have a Prometheus server up and running, can you give me a little instructions on how to use the opennebula-exporter.
Thanks a million!! :slight_smile:

Just run this script by cron,

*/1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ > /var/lib/opennebula_exporter/textfile_collector/opennebula.prom.$$ && mv /var/lib/opennebula_exporter/textfile_collector/opennebula.prom.$$ /var/lib/opennebula_exporter/textfile_collector/opennebula.prom

And collect the metrics use standard node-exporter with

Amazing! Thank you!!
Do you have a Grafana dashboard setup for this?


Currently I have nothing to share, but I would be very glad if you build and share some :slight_smile:

Im very new to Prometheus\Grafana im starting to build a dashboard will keep you updated.

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Hi @kvaps,
We utilize your zabbix template, which is really amazing. We had small concern in this, That Opennebula hosted VM and RAM size is not accurate, we attach screenshots releative and below mentioned OS and Opennebula Version.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Opennebula: 6.4
Hypervisior: KVM
Original Total VM: 52

Zabbix Showed VM: 51
Total Ram show in Opennebula: 503.5GB
Zabbix Show RAM: 503.48
Used RAM: 410GB & Free Avail RAM: 93.5GB
Zabix Show Avail RAM: 212.19GB