Problem updating graphical screens using SPICE+Sunstone 4.14 beta1

Hi all

I think that this is an issue related with Spice HTML5 client, if you open a text window (using a minimal tty linux for example) everything is working, the spice screen is updated, but if you open a spice screen that includes graphics (ubuntu or arch vms) the spice screen is not updated at all, and you get these errors over and over again:

FIXME: Unable to interpret bitmap of format: 2
2: Unknown message type 304!
2: Unknown message type 107!
FIXME: Unable to interpret bitmap of format: 2
2: Unknown message type 304!

if you connect directly to the hyp using a client like spicec --host hyp101 --port 6201 everything work fine… anyone has the same issue? I was googling a bit at it seems a html5 client issue but just to confirm that sunstone is also affected. I’m using firefox 40.0.3.

Cheers and thanks!


I have noticed the same problem.


ok thanks!, now I can confirm that this is an spice html5 issue not related with Sunstone. I have tested the client in my laptop using spice github master branch, and I get the same issue, the window is not updated, you have to close and open it again to see the changes.

I will open an issue to spice guys…
