Release 6.10 and/or 7.0 Community Edition


in the next months (maybe July or Septembre), I’m going to install a new three OpenNebula servers (nodes). I have done some tests with 6.8.0 CE version, but I would like to know when version 7.0 CE will be released, because if 7.0 version it’s going to be release in a few months, maybe, I could stop my 6.8.0 new installation and do it with 7.0.

Also, I would be interested in knowing about 6.10 date release. Here, I read some thing about that:

Here, I can’t see anything about 7.0: Release Schedule · OpenNebula/one Wiki · GitHub


Hello Daniel,

I can’t spoil anything yet, but expect 7.0 for after summer. In any case, you can take a look at the milestones and current status of each release, here: Milestones - OpenNebula/one · GitHub


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