Hi there,
A customer has deployed a VM via OpenNebula, they powered down the VM after approx 1 month while building the VM to increase the memory.
They performed the resize, increasing the memory to 6GB while the VM was powered off, powering on fails with a hotplug error.
Wed May 18 17:14:05 2016 [Z0][VM][I]: New state is POWEROFF
Wed May 18 17:14:05 2016 [Z0][VM][I]: New LCM state is LCM_INIT
– VM powered off, resize change made here –
Wed May 18 17:14:18 2016 [Z0][VM][I]: New state is ACTIVE
Wed May 18 17:14:18 2016 [Z0][VM][I]: New LCM state is BOOT_POWEROFF
Wed May 18 17:14:18 2016 [Z0][VMM][I]: Generating deployment file: /var/lib/one/vms/144/deployment.10
Wed May 18 17:14:18 2016 [Z0][VMM][I]: Successfully execute network driver operation: pre.
Wed May 18 17:14:20 2016 [Z0][VMM][I]: Command execution fail: /var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/vcenter/deploy ‘/var/lib/one/vms/144/deployment.10’ ‘Non-Prod’ 144 Non-Prod
Wed May 18 17:14:20 2016 [Z0][VMM][I]: Deploy of VM 144 on host Non-Prod with /var/lib/one/vms/144/deployment.10 failed due to "MemoryHotPlugNotSupported: Memory hot plug is not supported for this virtual machine."
Wed May 18 17:14:20 2016 [Z0][VMM][I]: ExitCode: 255
Wed May 18 17:14:20 2016 [Z0][VMM][I]: Failed to execute virtualization driver operation: deploy.
Wed May 18 17:14:20 2016 [Z0][VMM][E]: Error deploying virtual machine
Wed May 18 17:14:20 2016 [Z0][VM][I]: New state is POWEROFF
Wed May 18 17:14:20 2016 [Z0][VM][I]: New LCM state is LCM_INIT
– deploy failed, back to powered off –
By default hot plugging is disabled on VMs in VMware, strange how this is a hotplug task when the VM is powered off.
Does anyone have experience with this issue or suggest and areas to check?
I will be doing a screenshare to understand their steps and reproduce.
Thanks in advance,