The problem after migration oned

Hi, guys.
I need help.
I migrated my oned and sunstone to another server.
I’ve made a DB backup and restored it on a new server.
Copied directory /var/lib/one/.one to the new server.
I’ve runed opennebula on the new server, but in the log i see and i can’t login on sunstone:

Req:7328 UID:- one.system.config result FAILURE [one.system.config] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.
Req:4096 UID:-1 IP: one.system.config invoked 
Req:4096 UID:- one.system.config result FAILURE [one.system.config] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.
Req:8384 UID:-1 IP: one.system.config invoked 
Req:8384 UID:- one.system.config result FAILURE [one.system.config] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.
Req:4656 UID:-1 IP: one.system.config invoked 
Req:4656 UID:- one.system.config result FAILURE [one.system.config] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.
Req:8160 UID:-1 IP: one.system.config invoked 
Req:8160 UID:- one.system.config result FAILURE [one.system.config] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.