Hello Opennebula Team,
I am testing using FireEdge to upload an image from my machine to OpenNebula, but it gives an error as shown below (The image may not be the issue, as I can create an image normally through Sunstone):
Thu Dec 7 17:14:53 2023 : Error copying image in the datastore: ERROR: cp: Not allowed to copy images from /var/lib/one/ /etc/one/ /var/lib/one/ / Not allowed to copy image file /tmp/35f23596f95d6a9d3b93ea8ea1164252
I used oneadmin user,
**Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):Opennebula 6.8, Ubuntu 22.04
It appears on the FireEdge web interface, and then, I changed the SAFE_DIRS path of the images datastore from the default (/var/tmp) to /tmp, and the issue was resolved, but why is there a difference between FireEdge and Sunstone when uploading files?
At first, I experimented with a small 17MB ISO file, and it worked, but when using a larger image over 100MB, I encountered errors as you mentioned.