VNC noVNC ready: native WebSockets, canvas rendering

I managed to get this working a few days ago.

Steps I followed:

  • generate self-signed certificates (or get real ones)
  • set the group on cert and key to oneadmin or the websocket proxy wont read them (check logs)
  • configure nginx https and reverse proxy https to sunstone port 9869
  • configure nginx to redirect http to https
  • configure sunstone-server.conf to use wss only, setup certificate paths
  • open firewall for http, https and wss/vnc (80,443,29876)

These are the things I had trouble with:

  • check /var/log for VNC errors, certificates need the right permissions (oneadmin group).
  • you need to restart the websocket proxy if you make changes, kill it, restart sunstone alone is not enough.
  • if you are using a self-signed certificate you will need to add an exception (in your browser) for the VNC access port, you can point your browser to https://myone:29876 and add the exception.
  • despite forum reports in 5.4.1 does not seem to be necessary to change user settings to enable WSS, it seems automatic now.

good luck, hope this helps