Hi all,
I have a probably obvious question but I didn’t see this in the documentation.
I just want to be sure that I understand all right without bad assumptions, I want to know the rules
So, I wanted to know after which XML-RPC actions I should make additional one.XXX.info call to be sure that the action has been executed with success.
Could I suppose that all actions creating/deleting something (one.vm.allocate, one.vm.delete, or one.vm.disksnapshotcreate, or one.vm.disksaveas …) should be followed by an info call to be sure that the action succeed, and the entity is created/deleted ?
For instance, when I take a snapshot with “one.vm.disksnapshotcreate” I have an immediate response and I see that the action is in progress, but I don’t have the final result.
It’s a kind of asynchronous stuff, I just now that the action is started, but it may fail, am I right ?
Is it still true for all actions launched by one.vm.action (like terminate-hard for instance) ?
In fact I just want to be sure that I know what I’m doing on every action I make.
But for commands like one.vm.chown, it’s fast to execute and with immediate result ?
Sorry if it’s obvious
Have a good day